Ongoing legal services

To carry out business activity, comprehensive management is necessary, which is often connected with difficult decisions and risk of failure

The Ślązak, Zapiór and Partners Law Firm provides professional legal and business support tailored to client needs. Our team of experts specialising in many legal fields warrants reliable services to entrepreneurs, as well as professional assistance in finding relevant solutions for a specific legal situation.

We guarantee that the client’s legal interests are duly protected.

We provide comprehensive ongoing legal services to entrepreneurs and entities of the public finance sector:

  • we provide ongoing advice on many branches of law, including in particular economic, commercial, labour, tax, administration law, as well as competition and consumer protection, personal data protection, intellectual property protection, civil and penal procedures, and tax advice regarding project settlement and tax risk management;
  • we advise management and supervisory boards of capital companies on ongoing operation, organisation and management of capital groups;
  • we provide legal HR support;
  • we prepare commercial agreements, contracts, corporate documentation and statements of case;
  • we prepare opinions and give legal advice;
  • we take part in negotiations held by the client, as the client’s attorney;
  • we help to establish companies;
  • we represent our clients in litigations.

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