Relations related to labour and widely understood employment are governed in Polish law by hundreds of legal acts, including, in particular, the Labour Code. Given the specificity of HR issues, legal aspects of employment are essential both to employers and employees. The development of rules, procedures and regulations on mutual relationships at the company is a key element of organisation management.
The Ślązak, Zapiór and Partners Law Firm has been not only helping to develop a HR policy, but enforcing rules and regulations to improve the operation of companies at many levels, as well, for many years. We specialise in services for business entities and public institutions. We support our clients in labour law by establishing relationships between employers and employees. We also support employees.
Legal aid provided by experts of our Law Firm to employers and employees includes, among others:
- comprehensive legal services related to employment and HR management in all legal areas, including in particular labour law, social insurance law, taxes and personal data protection;
- legal aid in all employee aspects during the transaction process, including in particular mergers, acquisitions, transformations and restructuring of businesses;
- legal advice on the implementation, modification and gradual termination of certain types of employee schemes, like support programmes, insurance schemes, ECP, EPS;
- individual advice for management staff, members of corporate authorities, executive officers and managers, both during and after cooperation;
- individual advice to and representation of employees in their relations and disputes with employers with regard to termination of employment contracts, non-competition clauses, mobbing, discrimination, overtime work;
- representation of employers and employees before courts and public administration authorities, in particular the Labour Inspectorate, the Sanitary Inspectorate, the Social Insurance Institution.
We prepare:
- drafts of internal labour regulations, employment-related rules and procedures, including collective agreements, labour rules, remuneration rules, awarding regulations, homework/online work regulations, antimobbing procedures, etc.;
- employee documentation, all types of agreements, contracts, regulations and instructions related to employment;
- draft documents concerning recruitment and internal employment, including agreements on employee acquisition, agreements with temporary work agencies, lease of employees (including foreigners);
- legal models and schedules of all employment restructuring processes.
We conduct:
- restructuring processes, employment optimisation and unification of employment and payment terms and conditions;
- a full legal due diligence of employment issues;
- audits and implement regulations on personal data protection in employment and relationships with trade unions, including the use of CCTV at work, the transfer of employees’ personal data to third parties and other forms of personal data processing in employment.