Krystian Ślązak

Krystian Ślązak

One of founders of the Ślązak, Zapiór and Partners Law Firm

Attorney with 30 years of experience. One of founders of the Ślązak, Zapiór and Partners Law Firm.

One of authors of the housing resources management programme of mining and power undertakings. Consultant on the mining restructuring programme. Advisor to management boards of major business entities, attorney during economic operations and defence counsel in penal cases. As a legal counsel of mining and power undertakings, he developed and took part in many financial restructuring, ownership transformation and taxation planning projects.

In the years 2004-2016, a member of the Regional Lawyers’ Council in Katowice, a two-time delegate to the National Meeting of Legal Bar. Lecturer during courses for legal trainees. In 2019, awarded with the “Adwokatura Zasłużonym” badge of merit by the Executive Committee of the Supreme Bar Council.


He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Silesia in Katowice. He had a legal clerk training and then worked as a trainee judge till 1985. In 1989 he was admitted to practice law as an attorney and worked with the Law Firm No. 2 in Katowice till 1991. In the years 1995-2002, he was a partner in Kancelaria Adwokaci i Doradcy. Since 2002, he has been a partner in the Ślązak, Zapiór and Partners Law Firm.